Monday, September 28, 2009

Hello World

For years I have wanted to start my own blog, but always thought it was a bit cheeky and a slight waste of time. That, and I didn't know what to write about. But now, through sheer brilliance (and a bit of boredom) I have found my topic. It's going to be about me (no surprise there) and sustainability (again, you could have guessed that). More specifically, it's going to be about my quirky stories on how to be, or at least try to be, green and sustainable. If this helps even just one person, excluding me, I'll be grateful.

The inspiration has come from a couple of sources. I picked up a book recently called 'Mom, will this chicken give me man boobs?' by Robyn Harding and rejoiced to see that according to her subtitle, she too was confused, guilt-ridden, and stressed out trying to raise a green family. I could have sworn it was a book written by my other self about the difficulties of being green; though I should note that she has two kids and a husband, and I do not. I do have two dogs though, but I don't think my green choices have much impact on them. They didn't jump for joy when I brought home the organic dog beds, nor the organic dog toys, though I do sense a bit of excitement over the non-medicated raw dog food (I assume it tastes better). You should know that going green for your doggie(s) will break the bank, so undertake at your own peril.

The second source of inspiration is due to my excitement at having finally found a face cream that is good for me and the environment. The skin care uses a process called biodynamics, and the two lines I have found that use it are Tautropfen and Dr. Haushka. Whole Foods gave me a sample pack of the Tautropfen to take home, and as that tree as my witness, I watched the wrinkles disappear and my skin sigh in happiness. It is nothing short of a miracle. I suspect it might also break the bank, but my moto has always been: 'I've only got one body to last me the next 70 years, so I had better treat it like a shrine'. Okay, 70 years is a tad optimistic, but truthfully, what is the one asset that you are going to own your entire life? Your body.


  1. Hey Kristina! Welcome to the blogoshpere!
    Looking forward to reading about your journey in sustainability. I'd like to purchase local and organic, but you mentioned my issue: going green can break the bank. If you come across any budget friendly products, I'd love to hear about them!
    Take care girl,

  2. Thanks Sheena! Yes the budget is always an issue. I came across this article that discusses skin care on a budget.

    Her comment about really only needing one good product resonates with me, so I'm going to try that; a day cream and nothing else. That, and shopping around for the best price! There are a few online stores.
